Box Eight
Welcome to the eighth instalment of Culture Box!
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Martin is a visual artist who specialises in botanical and zoological painting. To find out more about him click here.
Ginkgo Biloba by Martin Jordan
Oil on Canvas
A print of this painting with its corresponding activities is included in this month’s physical box.
This month, Martin has painted the different parts of the Ginkgo biloba tree.
Ginkgo biloba, also known as the ‘maidenhair tree’, is one of the longest surviving tree species in the world estimated to be around 290 million years old. This prehistoric plant saw the dinosaurs come and go and may even have been nibbled by them. It was introduced into Europe from the Chekiang province of China in about 1758. It's the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that date back to before dinosaurs roamed the Earth – creatures which themselves lived between 245 and 66 million years ago.
To find out more about the Gingko biloba click the link below to access a booklet we have compiled which gives more information on its background, uses and cultural prominence in art, poetry and music.
You can explore more paintings from the RijksMuseum by clicking the link below
Owl Birdsong Video
Gingko trees play an important role in Japanese culture, so this month we have chosen a painting of a bird in a Gingko tree, rather than a photograph.
This painting is entitled Long Eared Owl in Gingko, and is by the Japanese artist Ohara Koson, who lived from 1877-1945. The original painting is in the RijksMuseum in Amsterdam.
Owls can be found all over the world, and on every continent, apart from Antarctica. The owl in this painting is a Long Eared Owl, which is found in many areas of the UK - although they are shy and nocturnal, and so are rarely seen.
Owls have meaning and are symbolic in many cultures, including being associated with wisdom, magic, the supernatural, wealth, and both good and bad luck.
What associations do you have with owls?
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Gingko Biloba Colouring-in Activity by Martin Jordan
The line drawing for you to colour in is of the green leaves and the yellow fruit of the Gingko tree. Martin has included a dinosaur as the Gingko biloba is one of the oldest living trees in the world. It's the sole survivor of an ancient group of trees that date back to before dinosaurs roamed the Earth – creatures that lived between 245 and 66 million years ago.
While completing this activity, you may enjoy listening to Mirror of Forest/ Mirror of City, an album by Japanese jazz musician, Jun Suzuki.
As well as making recordings and performing, Jun Suzuki also enjoys visiting care homes and making music with residents and care staff in his home town of Kyoto.
Mendhi Lotus Activity by Renata Kudlacek
In this Lotus Flower illustration by Renata Kudlacek, some of the leaves and flowers have been removed and replaced with blank, empty spaces.
The activity involves filling in these empty spaces using pens, pencils or paints.
Before starting, consider:
· What comes to mind when you look at the illustration? Does it remind you of anything?
· What colours and/ or patterns would you like to use and why?
Music & Poetry Podcast by Royal Academy of Music
This is a series of recordings that explore different colours through poems and music. The recordings were made by students at the Royal Academy of Music in London, especially for you to listen to.
We hope you will enjoy them.
You can listen to them in the order that they come in, like a radio programme. Or you could choose your own order, perhaps based on your favourite colours?
You can simply sit comfortably and enjoy listening together
Perhaps the tracks will prompt some conversations about what different colours mean to you?
Do you know any of the poems that have been chosen?
You could discuss whether you feel that the colours match with the music that the students have chosen - or whether you have other suggestions for songs, music and colours