A touring exhibition that showcases artistic commissions and research findings from the Culture Box project. Funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
This page is a digital version of the exhibition! Created and curated by Dr Chloe Asker.

Check out our archive of Culture Box activities!
Visual content
Below are videos that were shown during the exhibition. We have Akeim’s Hello Love, a performance that represents the experience of social life during COVID-19. This video inspired Rianna’s Experiencing Creole video, which is a timepiece and memory of the Creole Festival.
We also have a monologue that was written by members of the Culture Box research team. We asked two care staff to perform the monologue for the exhibition. Sharon kindly accepted and has produced a short video performing the text for us!
Hello Love by Akeim Toussaint Buck
Akeim is an interdisciplinary performer and creative born in Jamaica and raised in England. In making the film, Akeim has thought about all of the different ways that we communicate when we don’t have words, and even when we might need to wear a mask or even recognise one another.
Experiencing Creole by Rianna Patterson
Rianna is founder of the Dominica Dementia Foundation, a youth-led-dementia charity. Her commission is a timepiece for the Creole season. The creole event comprises of community, music and dance which are all beneficial for people with dementia.
the little moments, performed by Sharon
Monologue written by Asker, Zeilig, and Tischler, 2022. Performed by Sharon (2024).
Nature corner
In our exhibition we had a nature corner filled with plants and bird sounds. This section has the content from that the corner. Find somewhere comfy and enjoy the video on the right!
Beyond Culture Box activities!
We collected together all the colouring activities from the boxes and produced a colouring book and new colouring page which you can download from the buttons below!
Thank you for visiting our digital exhibition!
Thank you to our team!
Chloe Asker
Research Fellow and Curator
Victoria Tischler
Project lead and Professor of Behavioural Science
Hannah Zeilig
Co-applicant and Reader in Arts and Health at UAL
Errol Francis
Project Partner and CEO of Culture&
Hilary Woodhead
Project Partner and CEO of NAPA
Natalie Ravenscroft
Service Development Manager at NAPA
Sue Trischitta
Head of Professional Development at NAPA
Penny Fosten
CEO Arts for Dementia
Roberta Mazur
Arts Manager, Arts for Dementia
Sarah Campbell
Project Partner, Arts & Culture Exeter